ESG360 is currently working with one of Australia’s largest plantation growers to register a Plantation Methodology project for the production of ACCU.  This project is being registered to enable the establishment of new plantations to expand the sustainable supply of timber products, creating and maintaining jobs and environmental co-benefits for the region and the business.

One of Australia’s largest natural gas producers was required to offset their venting emissions from their liquified natural gas operations . One of Australia’s largest carbon sequestration plantings was established for one of Australia’s largest natural gas producers, more than 17,000 hectares of trees were planted integrated across more than 35,000 hectares of land in southern Western Australia and central New South Wales.

Members of the ESG360 team successfully ran the landscape analysis, negotiation of long-term acquisitions and integration processes and all operational and the essential carbon sequestration processes of one of Australia’s largest carbon sequestration revegetation project.  The project is still producing ACCU supplying the gas producer to assist with its net zero emissions strategy.


project milestones

brief description

One of Australia’s largest natural gas producers was required to offset their venting emissions from their liquified natural gas operations . One of Australia’s largest carbon sequestration plantings was established for one of Australia’s largest natural gas producers, more than 17,000 hectares of trees were planted integrated across more than 35,000 hectares of land.



project budget


date started


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