advisory statement

38KPR was purchased and developed as an accommodation solution to address homelessness in Brisbane, Queensland. The facility houses older men who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness, with a commitment to providing safe, stable accommodation. Working closely with other housing and homelessness support organisations such as HART4000, vulnerably housed men are provided with accommodation and connected with on-site and off-site support services. In many cases the stability allows them to successfully engage with support which improves and saves lives. There are many inspirational and heartwarming stories that have been enabled by 38KPR.

project beneficiaries

Primarily aimed at sheltering the homeless and providing a leg up for low income earners down on their luck, there are many community benefits provided as well.

The Vulnerably Housed

QLD Health

Local Council

Local Community

State Goverment

Community Corrective Services

project milestones

  • Ongoing

    38KPR provides 5,475 Accommodation Nights Annually

brief description

38KPR is an inner Brisbane Accommodation facility providing safe temporary to medium term accommodation.


38 KPR

project budget


date started

28 Jan 2020

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